Welcome New Families!
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Love N’ Laughter and give you some helpful information. On this page, you will find several forms attached for you to consider and then return.
We love to show off our children on our website, www.lovenlaughter.com, but we need permission to do this. If you would like your child showcased on our website, please sign and return the form.​
The red Love N’ Laughter t-shirt is offered as an option to wear on our field trips. To purchase a t-shirt, please fill out the form and return with payment.
Please "Like" our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/lovenlaughterstl
We send home cot sheets, blankets, and pillows each Friday to be laundered and returned on Monday. We understand that life is hectic, but please try to remember these items each week, as the children find comfort in having their own bedding.
If your child is hurt during the day, we may call you just to make you aware of the situation. This will especially occur if your child’s main teacher will be gone for the day when you pick up.
Pick Up & Drop Off: In order to keep all of our children safe and accounted for, an adult must accompany the child in the playground or classroom. Upon pick up, an adult must come onto the playground or into the classroom and let the teacher know they are taking him or her. This allows us to clock the children in and out so we can watch our assigned children while keeping an accurate count of the total children in the school. Please be sure to share this information with anyone, like grandparents, who may be picking up your child.