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General Information

Our center opens at 6:30am and closes at 6:00pm.  The Academy accepts children who are between the ages of 2 and 5 by their date of admission.  Attendance, health and identification records are kept for each child.​


Drop off and pick up

An authorized person may leave and pick up each child. The person who brings the child to school in the morning must stay until he/she has been checked into the center. Your child will be sent home only with a person known by the staff who is authorized to call for your child, unless a parent provides permission otherwise. You can call, email or mention in person a change in pick up to your child's teacher before or on that day. There is a late pick up fee of $1.00 per minute/per child after center closing.


Health Policies

All enrolled children must have valid medical forms on file in our office, including updated immunization records, emergency contacts, and a list of any known allergies.  A copy of the required forms is located on our website and can be printed at home and brought to the school.  Parents are able to request a copy of Immunization Records from your child's pediatrician.


If your child has a fever, diarrhea, vomiting or other symptoms of virus or flu on a school morning, please call and let us know that they will not be spending the day with us.  Should your child become ill during the day, we will contact a parent or emergency contact, and provide care until someone is able to come to school and take your child home.  A child must be fever, diarrhea, vomit and pink eye free for 24 hours before returning to school.


We keep a health report from your child's doctor, along with emergency contact phone numbers where we can reach either parents or designated emergency contacts at work or at home in case of an emergency.

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Toy Policy

Each classroom is equipped with fun, educational, age appropriate toys and manipulatives.  To avoid loss/breakage or conflicts with others, we ask that you keep your child's toys and personal items at home, with the exception of Show n' Share items brought to school on designated days.


Clothing and Bedding Policy

We strongly encourage children to arrive to school wearing either tennis or other closed-toe shoes.  We have mulch on our playground, and sandals make it difficult to run and climb on the playground - they are also uncomfortable when filled with mulch!


With regards to clothing and bedding, we request that all children have a season-appropriate change of clothing in their cubby at all times - accidents happen! Additionally, each child attending full-day school must bring a fitted crib sheet and a child-size blanket for nap time; a small pillow is optional.  Our children nap on mesh cots elevated from the floor approximately 3 inches, and the fitted crib sheets fit the cots snugly.  Be sure and write your child't name on each item with a permanent marker.  Sheets and blankets will be placed in your child's cubby on his/her last day of the week (every other week for part-time children) to be taken home.


Field Trip Policy

Field trips are scheduled throughout the year.  They are primarily all-school activities, including all staff, and we welcome parents to join us on these adventures.  You may meet us at our destination with your child or follow the bus from school.  This also applies if your child does not usually attend on that day, though a parent or guardian must accompany the child and meet us at our destination, or follow the bus.  If your child usually attends school on the day a field trip is scheduled and you do not want him/her to participate, you will need to make other arrangements for that day.


Weather Policy

Provided the temperature is between 40 degrees and 90 degrees, we will take the children outside for a morning recess and afternoon fun!  We ask that your child be dressed "weather appropriate" each day.


During the winter months, the center rarely closes.  If Parkway School District is closed due to inclement weather, we ask that you call Love N' Laughter before dropping your child off in the morning to make sure we are up and running.  Chances are, we will be!  If road conditions worsen throughout the day, please check in or leave a number where you may be reached in case the center were to close early to ensure a safe ride home for our teachers.


Discipline Policy

We use positive reinforcement as a method of discipline.  We encourage and praise children for making smart and safe choices as opposed to constantly correcting negative behavior. When this does not seem to have an impact, we use a "time-out" period, during which a child in encouraged to think about better choices.


Dismissal of a Child Policy

The center reserves the right of dismissing any child for the following reasons:

A.  If, after entering, the child is unable to participate in group experiences

B.  The child is using inappropriate words or actions

C.  Fees have not been paid


Vacation and Holidays

The Academy is closed for the following holidays:​

  • New Year's Day

  • Good Friday

  • Spring Break - Parkway's Spring Break (normally 2nd to last week in March)

  • Memorial Day

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day & Friday after Thanksgiving Day

  • Christmas Eve Day

  • Christmas Day

  • Holiday Break - one week in December - date TBA


Policy for Tuition-Free Vacation Time

  1. The student must be enrolled for full week program year round.  Vacation = 2 weeks per year: January - December

  2. The student must have attended 6 month in succession in the full week program to be eligible for the first week of tuition free time.

  3. Only 2 weeks tuition free time will be granted in 1 year.

  4. The school director must be notified 2 weeks in advance of the vacation.


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